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- subscribe to the mailing list or forums or join our IRC channel and contribute to the user community by answering requests and take part in discussions
- Report bugs, improve or validate bug reports on the github issue tracker
- Improve the documentation (it's a wiki)
Web developers
- Improve the website - it's a github repository
- Fix bugs - good ones to get started are tagged Good First Issue
- Write (better) tests
- Implement new features
- Refactor or clean up code
- We accept sponsorships as well as individual donations
- For sponsorship opportunities, please contact
- For donations, we have an Open Collective account
- Please do not use BountySource for now, their status is unknown and it's unclear if they still process bounties as expected!
Forum / Mailing List
Posting via the web interface of the mailing list may require creating a new login via using the same email address that was used for the mailing list subscription before.
Discussion / Talk to Humans / IRC Channel
- Join via the web gui (KiwiIRC)
- Connect with an IRC client to #openscad on +6697 (TLS)
- Additional documentation on how to connect can be found at
The Matrix room got disconnected due to issues with the bridge Deportalling from Libera.Chat. Unfortunately there is no solution yet for reconnecting the existing room, a ticket with Matrix support is so far unanswered. If you can help fixing this issue, please reach out.
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